The Beeline
Monthly Newsletter
Time flies when you’re having fun, at least that is what they tell me. The months
are going faster and faster.
Weeks are almost impossible to keep track of. The amazing things this club has
accomplished. You all do amazing things. Many of you are working full time jobs
and still doing your share (or more)!
It has been 80% fun and 20% hard work for all of us. But we don't just sit around
and watch the world go by we help it go by! We work, take care of our families,
attend meetings, serve on other committees, work on The Foundation, write
Grants, deliver books and magazines all over town, send cards to our members
who are under the weather, recruit new members, volunteer at other nonprofit
groups, type and send out messages to fellow members, etc. I don't want to forget
people who open their homes for meetings and parties! I don't want to forget the
people who serve on the committees and the members who CHAIR these
committees. This brings me to the reason for this message..........
Election of Officers! Let's think about what position you might like to hold to help
out for (usually) a two-year period. It's work yes, but very rewarding!! So please
send Ellen (Scott) Lamoreux a text, a phone call or send her a note. I'm sure she'll
be thrilled.
Happy New Year,
Sandi Miller, Co-President
Board of Directors
Co-President - Sandi Miller
Co-President-Anna Sorenson
Treasurer - Pat Chisum
Secretary - Sandra Sylvester
Directors - Leona Doidge, Linda Wilson, Martha Jaurequi
Immediate Past President - Susan Spears
Foundation Board
President – Dawn Young
Vice President – Karen O’Neil
Secretary – Sandi Frazier
Treasurer – Diane Alleman-Stevens
Directors – Malia Lee, Ann Murie Torrez, Sandi Frazier, Dawn Young, Diane Alleman-Stevens,
Lorine Edens and Danielle Riviera